No matter what else we're doing, we hold steadfast to four values that are supported by love and define who we are:

  1. A Renewed mind
  2. A Reformed life
  3. A Real sense of community
  4. A Result driven outreach program

The mission of the Reformation Faith Ministries Church is to bring people to a reformed state of mind, raise them up in the faith, and then send them out to share the faith through their areas of influence.​



Where there are people in need, we’ll be there lending a hand, a smile, and an encouraging word and a loving church.

II Corinthians 3:3

You (the people/congregation) show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our (TRFM) ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

our values:

Searching? We're here to help you find direction service starts at 10:45am 

The Reformation Faith Ministries Church ​1300 S. Courtland Ave Kokomo, In 46902

​The Reformation Faith Ministries Church in Kokomo

Give hope to those who need it most!

our vision:

Simply put, we are a collection of believers with faith in Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior…


We've known Jesus Christ's grace.

We've experienced Jesus Christ's mercy.

We've seen proof of the Jesus Christ's unfailing love.

Whether you're new to the area or have recently found yourself wandering in search of a new church home, we may be your answer. When you find a local church that meets your spiritual needs, you become a witness for Jesus Christ! We seek to demonstrate and experience that love by bearing witness to hope.

The Reformation Faith Ministries Church